Sunday, 19 May

From charity to business: Rustam Dzhambulatov on supporting the displaced people from Bakhmut

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In the most difficult times, when a full-scale invasion has affected the civilian population, it is extremely important to emphasize the need to help displaced people adapt to a new life. This work is usually done by charitable foundations and support centers.

One such center is "Bakhmutian", which was created by the Bakhmut City Council. It has 8,000 people and plays a key role in providing everything they need: clothing, equipment, support, job search, even psychological and medical assistance.

Since the center serves a large number of displaced people, it needs help from the country, businesses, and just good people. One of these kind people is Kyiv-based businessman Rustam Dzhambulatov, who donated 200 household appliances to equip the displaced people's homes.

"I have witnessed war twice before, and both times it was the Russian Federation, so I know exactly the importance of helping everyone who needs it. The main goal of my assistance is to make life easier for the displaced people to make their lives a little more comfortable in the difficult conditions of war," says Rustam, a businessman from Kyiv.

In this difficult time, everyone can contribute to helping the IDPs by joining charity initiatives, providing financial support or becoming a volunteer.

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