Monday, 3 June

Latest news – страница 20

Mobilization 'Abroad': what European countries say about extradition of men to Ukraine
Estonia and Germany say they will not force Ukrainians into military service and have no legal grounds to extradite men to Ukraine

Biden signed the defense budget for $886 billion: the amount Ukraine will receive
Biden signs the U.S. defense budget for next year, which includes $300 million in defense spending to support Ukraine

What to do if the car is covered with ice: useful tips for drivers
If the car is covering with ice during driving, you need to turn on the heater and direct the entire flow of hot air to the windshield - this will solve the issue of visibility

The FSB needs many victims: a bloody provocation is being prepared in Mariupol on New Year's Eve
Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko told how the FSB wants to organize bloody New Year's holidays in Mariupol

'I survived hell': the story of a volunteer who survived after an enemy missile hit his car
In November 2022, Valentyn Bondar from Poltava, who joined the army voluntarily, told how he was injured and underwent rehabilitation after a Russian missile hit his car

Here's our answer, b*tches! AFU Air Forces shot down three Russian "birds" during the day, photo
​On Friday, December 22, the AFU Air Forces shot down three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in the Southern direction

There are hits: all the details of "Shaheds" night attacks on the south of Ukraine
On the night of Dec. 22, Russians attacked southern Ukraine with "Shaheds" - infrastructure and farms were hit in Mykolaiv, Odesa and Kherson regions, no casualties or wounded

Russians unsuccessfully attacked in Donbass and the “Southern Axis”: fresh maps of military operations
​Over the past 24 hours Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled 30 Russian attempts to dislodge them from their positions

"Shaheds" strike in Kyiv: new photos of a hit to a high-rise building in Solomianka and data on other districts
​On the night of Dec. 22, Russians again attacked Kyiv with Iranian UAVs "Shahed". In several districts of the city falling debris damaged apartment buildings

Dozens of dead and wounded: new details of the shooting at the University in Prague, photos and video
​As a result of the shooting in University building in the center of Prague, ​15 people, including the attacker, were killed.

Shooting in the center of Prague, several dead and dozens wounded: footage from the scene
On Thursday, Dec. 21, a shooting in the capital of the Czech Republic leaves people killed and wounded

Three dead, five more wounded: Russians attacked Toretsk in Donetsk region with air bombs, photo
​On Thursday, Dec. 21, Russian struck Toretsk in Donetsk Region with air bombs. Three civilians were killed and five more people were injured

"Patriot" for Ukraine: US is preparing a 'Japanese' missile supply scheme
The United States and Japan will soon agree on the supply of missiles for Patriot systems to Ukraine

"I am 100% sure": Umerov said when Crimea will be liberated
​Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov is convinced that the Crimean Peninsula, annexed by Russia in 2014, can be liberated next year

Ministry of Defense mobilizes Ukrainians living abroad: evaders will face sanctions
Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov made a statement on the mobilization of Ukrainian men living abroad

The enemy deploys new "Asian" units: fresh maps of battles in Ukraine
​The Ukrainian Defense Forces conduct heavy battles in several directions, in particular near Avdiivka and on the eastern bank of Dnipro River in Kherson region

Bus with Ukrainians crashes into a truck on the border in Poland: photos and details of the tragedy
​On Thursday morning, December 21, a bus with Ukrainians crashed into a truck at the border in Poland - one person was killed and there are injured

Enemy drones attacked Kyiv region at night: photos and video of the aftermath
​At night, December 21, the Russian occupiers launched another drone attack on Kyiv Region.

MPs say yes, Zelensky is against: should we wait for the mobilization of women in Ukraine
MP propose a draft law on strengthening mobilization conditions for women. President Volodymyr Zelensky categorically didn't support such zeal of MPs to mobilize women

Russians hit Red Cross warehouse in Kherson: all supplies of humanitarian aid destroyed, photo
Russians attacked the centre of Kherson again and destroyed ​a warehouse with humanitarian aid of the Ukrainian Red Cross

Without housing, work and hope: how Mariupol residents live after the arrival of the "Russian world"
​The situation in temporarily occupied Mariupol remains deplorable - the city has problems with heating, no compensation for destroyed property is paid and there is no work

Russia will buy more defective shells from Kim Jong Un: a million is already over
Shoigu will fly to North Korea in the near future for a new batch of ammunition

Time is running out: the U.S. Senate made a new statement on aid to Ukraine
The US Senate won't vote on a package to provide additional aid to Ukraine and strengthen US border security until early next year

"Meat assaults" continue: the military told about the "death conveyor" for the occupants
​Russians continue their "meat assaults", but the Ukrainian Armed Forces are holding them back

U.S. court bars Trump from presidential ballot
​Colorado Supreme Court decided to bar former President Donald Trump from participating in state’s presidential primary ballot in 2024

How Andriivskyi Descent became "Kyiv's Montmartre": archive photos of the first celebration of Kyiv Day
Andriivskyi Descent became popular among the citizens of the capital after the first celebration of Kyiv Day in 1987.

Not just eggs: kilometer-long queues for food were noticed in Russian Voronezh
There is a shortage of goods in stores in Russian Voronezh

What is the difference between the war victims in Ukraine and Gaza, according to Biden administration
White House explains the difference between war victims in Ukraine and Gaza

Will plan "B" fail to save Ukraine? IMF tells how long the country can withstand without Western money
IMF Managing Director urges to provide financial aid to Ukraine in 2024

It's gonna be a long war: Commander of the "Azov" Brigade told how Ukraine can withstand and defeat the enemy
Commander of the "Azov" Brigade Denys Redis Prokopenko, believes that the war in Ukraine may last for years, so those who are not involved in the Armed Forces should take up arms

A powerful earthquake struck China: more than 100 dead, hundreds injured, photos and videos
​At least 111 people were killed and more than 200 injured as a result of the earthquake in northwest China

The oldest residential building in Kyiv: mansion of Nechayev family, who were selling famous gingerbread, photos
The house of merchants Nechaev, located at 7, Kontraktova Square is one of the oldest residential houses that has survived to this day in Kyiv

What Bakhmut looked like before Russians destroyed it: a New Year city one year before the war
A video of memories, what peaceful and festive Bakhmut looked like in 2021 has been posted online

Poles blocked the largest checkpoint on the border with Ukraine: details
​On 18 December, Poles have partially blocked the Polish-Ukrainian border again

Russia is becoming an appendage: what China benefits from anti-Russian sanctions
​The Republic of China benefited from the sanctions against Russia. It became a cheap raw materials appendage of China.

Poles stabbed another knife in the back: farmers will join the border blockade
Polish farmers will join Ukrainian border blockade at "Yahodyn-Dorohusk" checkpoint

Hungary is going to be deprived of the right to vote: what procedure can be used by the EU?
​EU members may deprive Hungary of the right to vote for approving an agreement on a €50bn aid package for Ukraine in 2024-2027

There are changes: Congress announced progress in negotiations on aid to Ukraine
The U.S. Congress announced positive expectations for negotiations on migration reform, required for providing aid to Ukraine and Israel

Speeding car crashed into Joe Biden's motorcade: details of the incident
In Delaware, U.S. an unidentified man crashed into the SUV of President Joe Biden's security

One of the symbols of modern Kyiv: interesting facts about the famous hotel "Salyut", photos
The history and other interesting facts about the famous "space" architecture hotel "Salyut" in Kyiv

Plan "B": Zelensky's advisor told what Ukraine will face when the Western financial aid stops
Ukraine will be pushed to plan "B" if the West stops providing financial assistance to Kyiv

Night hunters: a video shows how Air Defense is destroying "Shaheds"
Ukrainian military commentator showed a video of the work of mobile Air Defense group shoting down Russian drones at night, Dec. 16

Are the sanctions actually working? 77 US components found in hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile "Kinzhal", infographic
​Russian hypersonic air-launched ballistic missile "Kinzhal" almost all made of foreign components

Secret documents on Russia's interference in US election disappeared: investigation
At the end of Donald Trump's presidential term, a binder containing information on Russia disappeared from the White House

$50 billion for Ukraine: when the EU will make a final decision
The leaders of 26 EU member states have agreed to provide Ukraine with €50 billion in aid for four years

"We will never forget" - President Volodymyr Zelensky honored the memory of Ukraine's defenders
Volodymyr Zelensky honored the memory of the fallen defenders of Ukraine at the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv, Dec.15

Polish border blockade: current situation at three checkpoints
All of the three checkpoints on the border with Poland remain blocked by protesters. Currently, there are about 2,600 trucks at the border towards Ukraine.

​Ukraine’s HACC discharges banker Oleksandr Ihnatenko, who may be involved in corruption, from liability - Veteran NGO
The veterans' organization Sorry to Be Alive accused the Higher Anti-Corruption Commission (HACC) of downplaying the memory of fallen heroes, as the judges did not allow the lawyer in the Ukrgasbank case to go to the funeral of her deceased military nephew.

A protection from Trump: the US Congress approved an important "NATO" bill
​The U.S. Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO

Orban blocks aid to Ukraine: EU leaders agree to hold new summit
​Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has vetoed the allocation of €50 billion to Ukraine